Wordless Wednesday #11: Let the Sea, Set You Free . . .

Sometimes the strength within you is not a big fiery flame for all to see; it is just a tiny spark that whispers every so softly ‘You got this, keep going’.”
— Author Unknown

I know this is “Wordless Wednesday” … but sometimes it’s hard to share photos and not say anything. These photos were taken last September while we were enjoying an evening of fishing at the beach. We were super fortunate to witness this little miracle. He struggled quite a bit as he had a lot of ground to cover and the waves kept pushing him back. We watched for awhile then decided to call the professionals for help. After calling the Florida Wildlife Commission and talking to a marine biologist, we were able to slightly assist this little guy on his journey home to the sea. He made it successfully to the ocean and swam out to sea! It was so beautiful to watch!

Until next time, remember, if you are facing some sort of struggle in life, don’t give up! Keep trying, find someone to help, look for motivation … remember this turtle and think “I can do it!”



Wordless Wednesday #12: Enjoy the beauty of a sunset …


Wordless Wednesday #10: St. Augustine Sunrise